Jade and Leo are playing house. Technically, the couple doesn’t live together. He pays rent on one side of town and she pays it on the other. But they enjoy going through the pretense of doing what couples who do live together do. Jade spends five out of seven nights at Leo’s house. She cooks, cleans, and coddles his ego just like a wife would do for a husband. Leo is attentive to his girl and her needs and the couple’s relationship seems to be working for them. Other folks have begun to question just what it is this couple is doing or not and Jade realizes she truly doesn’t have any answers for them that might actually make some sense. She and Leo have never really discussed making their arrangement permanent. The discussion of marriage was a conversation held in passing with both acknowledging that marriage is an institution they might consider tripping through at some point in time. Just not now. When the conversation ended, they started playing house. As Jade told me her story I co