The tall tales they spin are blistering. I am equally amazed
and appalled that two individuals can lie so easily, neither batting an eye. I've seen them lie about the weather (it rained harder where they were than it did here), what they had for breakfast (if you made pancakes, they ate at IHop), and who they've dated (their significant others always having more money than anyone else you know). Both
have this obsessive need to show that they are somehow superior to all others. Being
above and better than the rest of us would seem to top their agenda.
I am equally entertained and mortified whenever they're around. Despite my best efforts I don't have the energy to even attempt to keep up with them, but it's been pointed out to me that such is one of my deficiencies because they have both run marathons.
It’s a game of swinging dicks each determined to prove theirs
is the biggest. Neither has a clue just how small they both really are, most
especially since neither has a dick to swing.