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Showing posts from January, 2011


One of my all-time favorite reality shows ended their season with a loud thump last night. The Real Housewives of Atlanta have spent the last few weeks showcasing the bitter battles between Nene and Kim, Nene and her husband, and Nene and everyone else who got on Nene’s one good nerve. Nene’s rages have been a bit much over the past two seasons but when you consider that she’s going through a very nasty and public divorce with a husband who is living in her basement, is frustrated by a grown son who isn’t riding the fast track to adulthood, and reinventing herself as a woman and single parent, Nene should be able to rage. Kim has been her usual delusional and narcisstic self and Kandi has been biting back her tongue to keep the peace while she navigates reviving her singing career. Sheree was, well, Sheree. From one season to the next everything about her continues to feel fake, forced and extremely bland. At least this season she wasn’t picking fights in public and pulling off people’


I go through phases of obsession. Two years ago it was little black dresses. I spent months trying to find the perfect little black dress. Toward that goal I lost count of the number of little black dresses that I purchased. I know that at least two dozen of them are hanging in my closet with the price tags still on them. Then I went through my sweat suit phase. Couldn’t get enough cute sweat suits to bum around the house in. Bought until I was sweat suited out! Now I’m back to a girl’s all-time favorite: shoes! I love me some shoes! And I love shoes that make a statement. Recently I was desperate for the sleekest pair of black, thigh-high boots that I could find. I spent at least three months looking for the most perfect pair and then I found these Christian Louboutin black suede boots that absolutely rocked my obsessive spirit and kicked it back into thigh-high gear. My boots are all that and an extra-large bag of chips. My boots are HOT! and I feel like I am on fire when I'm we


Earlier today my baby boy received his airborne wings. He officially graduated from Army Jump School. It has been a rigourous three weeks of training that I can only begin to imagine. This go-round he was able to call home more and give more details than with army bootcamp. Although every ounce of it was one big adrenaline rush for him, I know that it was taxing on him both physically and emotionally. Since he started this journey he has had to weather some pretty significant storms. When baby boy was eight years old he was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. I am still haunted by the memory of his tears when he was in pain. The first doctor we saw prescribed cortizone injections for his knees. I refused knowing that at the age of eight, taking cortizone shots, he wouldn't have any knees by the time he reached eighteen. We eventually found a great pediatric rheumatologist to control the pain and swelling of his joints that he frequently experienced. On one particular doct


A few months back, inspirational author Betsy Otter Thompson sent me a copy of her book Walking Through Illusion and asked if I would give it a read. On my first attempt I failed miserably. Two pages in I realized that Betsy’s book was clearly going to provoke thought and analysis and I needed to be in a more reflective mindset. Recognizing that I was wanting something that was more mind numbing I had to put it down. I plopped it back on my nightstand atop a large stack of books to be read and I paused until the moment I was ready to take in what Betty was offering. With the New Year, I was contemplating my future, reflecting on my life’s purpose, and needing something more substantial to sink my teeth into, so I curled up in my favorite reading space with Betsy’s book. Walking Through Illusion is a series of short stories about biblical people struggling with issues who either knew Jesus or knew of him and were influenced by him in one way or another. . Each chapter is themed and foc


They say we have snow coming. Family and friends to the north of us will get far more than we will, but it’s predicted that we will get more than our fair share of ice and fluffy stuff. I am not winter friendly. Cold and I do not get along. Snow is my least favorite thing. However, if it must come, I hope that it comes in abundance. I want to see mile high drifts that shut down the state for an extended period of time. I want to be stuck in the house with my favorite guy doing absolutely nothing until the mood moves us. I do not want to worry about traveling in hazardous conditions, navigating icy patches, or shoveling one darn thing. If I can have all of this, then by golly, let it snow! If not, then let the bad weather pass us completely by. And let summer get here quick.


As 2010 fizzled out and 2011 landed with a resounding THUD!, I was reminded of one very important life lesson: When you allow someone else to be responsible for your good time, you can't complain when you don't have one. Jack Daniels, an old favorite, saved my midnight hour this year. I'm sure I won't like him half as much in the morning. Sitting in reflection, I had to take a quick moment and check myself. A life lesson I've most recently learned: You get back what you invest. And that applies to a shitty attitude, so I worked ten-fold to improve my own. Then I revisted my favorite tidbits of advice and felt they were well worth repeating for the New Year. So, as you rid yourself of last year's haunts and pour over your New Year's resolutions, remember that each new day is an opportunity for a new beginning. If you didn't get it right the first time, then do better the second, and if necessary, the third time. May the New Year fulfill all of our dreams