I appreciate the many emails and comments that have come and I have
great respect for everyone’s opinion, whether I have agreed with them or not. What I value most is the dialogue that has
been opened because folks don’t like to discuss subjects that can provoke
rancorous opinions, and talking about issues with any kind of racial overtones can bring out some truly acrimonious viewpoints.
One anonymous reader in particular took issue with my post
and the perception that the murder of Treyvon Martin was racially motived,
questioning my “evidence of racism”.
This person was, and I quote, “sick do death of this hatred of white
people that causes you and your ilk to play the race card at every turn,
regardless of whether it applies or not,” unquote.
At first, I took issue with the writer’s comment, the
assumption that I had a “hatred of white people” because I commented on my
experiences as a woman of color, or my father and son’s experiences as black
men. They were, after all, our
experiences and when taken in context with the experiences of other men and
women of color, fit a pattern that many, not all, might define as “racist”.
But I also understood that this writer was visiting this blog
for the first time and didn’t know me from Adam. They didn’t know that I was raised
in a very white, New England community; that I attended a predominately white (me
being the only black child) school; that for most of my adult life I was married
to a man who was considered white; gave birth to and raised children who are
biracial and range from very light and bright white to richer, warmer browns,
and that in the black community, I have been seen as more of an anomaly than not.
When understanding that this individual has no idea that my own ethnicity and degree of blackness has been questioned more times than I care to count, that I have experiences with racism across a very broad color spectrum, my chagrin with this reviewer’s words was quickly squashed. Because I know that I don’t hate white people. In fact, my list of things that I do hate, is
exceptionally short, and include no race of people whatsoever. My personal sensitivities with race come only when
trying to understand the mindsets that so readily integrate the word “hate”
into their opinions and comments about such, them perceiving that is how
someone else must feel. But this person doesn’t know me just as I don’t
know them so how could I be offended that they might not know that I have friends and family who are white and all that I feel for them is love and respect?
But my personal opinions aside, whether anyone views the murder of Treyvon Martin as racist
or not, there can be no disputing that the vicious crime that was perpetuated
against this young man should not be ignored.
I can say most assuredly that George Zimmerman’s malevolent actions
deserve the world’s attention to keep other young Treyvon Martin’s from
suffering the same fate. As a parent I
don’t want to bear witness to any other mother having to bury her child when
such can and should be prevented.
The release of the 911 audio tapes is chilling. Eyewitness reports and hearing Treyvon Martin
begging and pleading for help as he lay on the ground and then hearing the explosive
gunshot being fired that ended his life, should have raised questions and been
enough probably cause to dispute George Zimmerman’s account that he was acting
in self-defense. George Zimmerman was
duly advised to stay in his car and wait for police, but George opted to get
out of that car and engage young Treyvon in a combative manner. Treyvon didn’t initiate contact with George,
suggesting that it was Treyvon who was acting in self-defense. But George walks free today, a young boy’s
blood on his hands, and Treyvon’s parents have to bury their baby boy, every
dream and hope that they had for his future gone.
A week after the incident, ABC News uncovered questionable
police conduct in the investigation of the fatal shooting, including the
alleged "correction" of at least one eyewitness' account. Florida police have stated that Zimmerman was
not arrested because he had a “squeaky clean” record, which we now know is not
true, the overzealous gunman charged in 2005 with battery against on officer
and resisting arrest, charges that were later expunged. As Treyvon’s mother has stated, all any of
us want to see is due process and justice for Treyvon. Allow the evidence to be presented in court
and have a judge and jury determine George Zimmerman’s innocence or guilt.
There is a reason that anger over the handling of this case is
intensifying and there is a reason I and others of "my ilk" are outraged. If Treyvon had been white or red or blue, and
George, black, brown or green, I can say with most certainty that I and all
those of "my ilk" would be just as outraged and just as heartbroken. But they weren’t. Treyvon was a young black male and George was
a much older, much whiter adult, and whether you think this crime was racially motivated or not, it is
definitely a tragedy of magnanimous proportions, a crime that should never have
And whether you agree with my opinions or not, there is no disputing
that not one of us, no matter what our views, who can bring Treyvon Martin back to
his beloved mother’s empty arms.
My prayers go out to Treyvon’s family and friends.
1 comment:
So happy to be a member of your ilk, Deborah. Please keep up the good work!
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