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Showing posts from March, 2008


My next book, TAME A WILD STALLION , will be released in June. It can be pre-ordered at or Make sure you get a copy. Another hot Stallion Brother to take to your bed. Check out the new cover! I ain't mad...


I absolutely love to dance! There was a time when I was in the clubs Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, dancing until I couldn’t stand up on Sunday. It was always a good time with good friends. I seriously miss those days. The ex-hubby was not a dancer. In fact, the best that fool could do was this weird side to side sway and hand motion thing that looked like he was stirring sugar into a cup of tea. It was not pretty. To add insult to injury he didn’t think it appropriate for any wife of his to go out dancing with her friends ‘cause you know how every man in the world is desperate to just rip my clothes off and take me right there on the dance floor. Reason number #43 why we are no longer married. Few of the men in my life have ever loved to dance like I did. Although I remember one tall, dark, drink of hot-damn-that-brother-is- foine who knew how to move on a dance floor. But that’s the only place he could move and then his foine wasn’t very foine at all. Most of the others wouldn’t


Katherine had her feelings hurt and the man who did it still doesn’t have a clue. Katherine and Bob became involved two years ago, a sweet friendship that developed into something more. Relationships being what they are the two have focused more on the friendship than on any romantic relationship as both have been unpacking the clutter of other stuff from their lives. But Katherine considers what she and Bob share to be very exclusive, conducting herself as if Bob is her one and only. She does so because she wants to be the one and only in Bob’s life. Friends and family who’ve know the two since forever aren’t quite sure what to make of their relationship because both have been quick to say “they’re just good friends” whenever anyone asks. Today, a woman asked Bob if he and Katherine were a couple and Bob answered with a resounding NO. Katherine smiled, not saying anything at all but the truth of the matter is that she had her feelings hurt. Katherine is still trying to figure out why


We were having this conversation about dating. A group of friends gathered to give us newbies to the game some sage wisdom about dating while middle aged. My buddy John claims to be “dating” a nice young woman who works where he works. Now, I may have been out of circulation for a good long while, but his definition of what constituted dating didn’t mesh with what I’d known dating to be at all. John seems to have a fairly comfortable routine with his friend. I’d bet dollar to a dime the friend isn’t as comfortable as John would like to think she is. They spend time together in the office amidst clients and other co-workers. Conversations are typically comfortable and casual, never crossing the lines to anything personal while they are on the clock. Perhaps once every other week or so John might stop by the friend’s home to sit and chat on her living room sofa, never staying longer than an hour and always going home before it gets dark. Sometimes they get together on the weekends for di


In 1995 I won an essay contest sponsored by Good Housekeeping for KinderCare’s 25th Anniversary. The essay subject was The 3 Life Lessons You Want For Your Children . As part of the prize I received a makeover and an all expense paid trip to New York City to participate in a forum on issues relative to raising and educating children. At that time four of my six crumb crushers were still home causing havoc on a daily basis so I had much to talk about. The forum was moderated by Paula Zahn, who was at that time, the anchor on CBS This Morning. Paula was an engaging, vibrant personality and I’ve been a big fan of hers ever since. Also in attendance was Geraldine Ferraro. It was truly a wonderful event and experience. I met some wonderful people who showed me much love. And then there was Geraldine. For more times than I would care to count, I have experienced moments with people who, by virtue of their attitude and what they don’t necessarily say, have made me feel inferior, as if I don’t


Barney is good-looking, intelligent, gainfully employed, successful and from all outward appearances would be quite the catch for the right woman. Bettye is loud, rude, obnoxious, and battle worn from her many years of drug addiction. Barney and Bettye have been an item for longer than most people remember, and through the worst of her mess Barney has been right there holding her up. Bettye has stolen from him, lied to him, abused him and has committed some ungodly acts against the man. The two have been married for ages with four children being born to the union yet Barney is not the father of any of Bettye’s babies. He’s thrown the woman out countless times and each time she’s destitute and homeless, crawling back with promises of change, Barney takes her back. But Bettye's ills have cut the man deeply, leaving him with a bleeding heart like no other. Barney clearly has zero self-esteem and that is truly an unattractive quality in a man. Right now I would personally like to shak


Friends and family often ask Daniel when his relationship with Sheila ended. Folks are not only being nosy but some are curious to know who did what wrong, hopeful for insight that might keep them from making the same mistake within their own unions. But Daniel can’t tell them much of anything because he himself doesn’t know when it all came to a head and he and Sheila had crashed and burned. Daniel doesn’t know because other people and other things had been holding his attention for longer than he had realized. He was always too busy to see that Sheila needed his time and attention just as much as everything else in his life did. Daniel always figured Sheila would just know that she was important to him. He didn’t think it necessary to tell her or show her that she held a special place in his life and his heart. But Sheila did need to know. Feeling much neglected Sheila grew weary of waiting for her man’s affections. Loneliness was a cruel enemy for the woman to battle. Waiting for Da


At some point I woke up and discovered that my nipples were reaching for my toes. It wasn’t pretty. I’m not quite sure when this phenomenon happened but it did. Almost overnight the girls were high and perky on Monday and gravity challenged on Tuesday. But hey, no problem. They make these really great push up, underwire bras that will lift these babies sky high if necessary. For some reason the lyrics to Bette Midler’s song “Otto Titsling” and his over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder keeps running through my head. But I digress…. Someone told me once that my breasts were one of my best physical attributes. Them and my legs. Both were big. Now they’re bigger and I’ve acquired a watermelon bottom. I surpassed an apple bottom ages ago, my butt so full and high right now that it takes my ass a full five minutes to follow me into a room. Although I get that whole ba-dunk-a- dunk thing, I can still make the argument that too much of a good thing is just too much. So, I’ve been in the gym regular