Friday, October 18, 2024


I haven’t been able to complete a single thought in weeks. There’s been so much running through my head that it’s been next to impossible to sort through it. I’ll simply say the devil continues to stay busy. But you know how I do. The bits and pieces become dribble and dribble eventually becomes a post. So here goes. 
  1. If you are now out here doing interviews and posting about Sean “P-Diddy” Combs and what you saw or what you knew, then you deserve to be in the same cell with him. If you were witness to his alleged depravity and you did absolutely nothing to protect or help his victims when it was happening, then you, too, should rot in hell. You giving up information now, doesn’t make you a hero. It only proves how despicable you truly are.
  2. Historically, women have been saving the world since the beginning of time. There are those who don’t know that because the men who mucked things up have taken extreme measures to keep that history from the world. It makes them look bad and they can’t have that. Men muck things up and women have to step in to save the day. But we’re tired. There’s never any appreciation for our efforts. And many don’t really deserve us. But we never stop thinking about the children, and their future and what will happen to them if we don’t step in to clean up the mess. So, we stay in the fray, and we fight for what’s right. Then we watch as some pale-faced, limp-dick, lily-livered man erases our efforts from the history books. But that too, shall soon change. Because we are truly fed up with limp-dick men with no balls and no backbone. 
  3. If you support and defend a man with no moral fiber. A man who has continually proven himself to be a habitual liar. A man who lacks character and compassion; then don’t be surprised when the rest of us look at you cross-eyed and question your own moral integrity. If you refuse to condemn the bad behavior then we refuse to give you a pass. So, miss me with your platitudes and excuses. You are no better than he is. In fact, you are probably worse.
  4.  I still have no tolerance for cold weather. Heat is bliss. Cold is simply cruel. 
  5. Men make war a pissing contest. It's dick waving to see whose is bigger. Every thing is tit for tat. They never consider the consequences or care who will suffer most. Women and children are expendable, even a liability if they get in the way. They are the epitome of Little Dick Syndrome, needing to prove their worth because they are lacking in all other aspects of their small worlds. But it's war. With big, deadly toys and even deadlier consequences. Innocent people die for no reason other than ego and revenge. Men waging war need to be bitch slapped.
  6. Life has a funny way of interfering with your plans. It slides itself into your calendar and wreaks havoc on otherwise stable schedules. Life has a mind of its own and wields control when we least expect. It fathoms itself to be quite the comedian. But there’s no humor in its antics. Life is unstable and in need of therapy.

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