Friday, May 08, 2015


I've never been a big fan of self-help books. I’ve read my fair share and more times than not felt like they didn’t apply to me or the problems discussed didn't really mirror my own issues. I always had a wealth of excuses to justify avoiding them all together.

Recently, I was excited to support author and friend Val Daye. Val is family and so I purchased a copy of her new book Driven by The Drama. Then Val gave me a copy. An ordained minister Val is also an author, speaker, life coach, and training expert with a sincere passion for people and a genuine commitment toward their success.

Now I’m going to be honest. Driven by the Drama threw me for a loop. It took several attempts before I was actually able to finally sit down and finish it. Each time I would get a few pages in when something would strike a nerve. It was attempt number three when I realized I simply wasn't ready to receive the message Val was trying to deliver. I was going through some things. And going through some things had my head and my heart in a space that had become comfortable. Too comfortable. The drama was real and I was wallowing in it.

A few weeks turned into a few months and then the tide turned. I realized that comfortable space really wasn't. In fact, it was actually pure hell and I needed to dig my way out if I were going to survive. So I picked up Val’s book for the umpteenth time determined to finish it, finally ready to hear what I had been unwilling to accept earlier. 

Driven by the Drama is actually a quick and easy read. The book is very much Val. The writing style is straight to the point peppered with just enough personal anecdotes and humor to keep you turning the pages. Personally, I have always struggled with my own faith. What I loved most about this book was that it truly reflected Val’s relationship with God and her steadfast resilience in maintaining that. This author walks and talks her faith and offers a quick and easy guide to lead you to your own divine purpose by eliminating the drama in our lives that so easily deter and detract us from our journey.

There is so much to learn with Driven by the Drama and the lessons are presented simply. As noted on Val’s website, Driven by the Drama will help you to:

Strengthen your Faith
Become more Disciplined
Improve your Relationships
Maintain a better Attitude
Have an Action plan before you need one

I wholeheartedly appreciated the challenge to do and be better. Val’s message struck many cords with me but her advice was timely and much needed. Since that first read, I've read it twice more. For me, the most notable difference in how I approach drama in my life now is that I spend more time in prayer and praying in a more meaningful way. I will keep reading it as I continue to practice the techniques and advice shared.

If you are ready to let go of the drama that might be holding you back, I strongly recommend you give Driven by the Drama a chance. I’m so glad that I did. Get your copy HERE!

1 comment:

Sridhar Chandrasekaran said...

You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing. Reading blogs is my hobby and I randomly found your blog. I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey. Please keep in touch with me in Twitter, @ipersuade.


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