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Showing posts from July, 2013


I'm excited to announce that the paperback edition of my newest release, Truly Yours , is now available wherever books are sold.  The KINDLE and NOOK  editions will be available for download this Thursday, August 1, 2013.  A fine work of art…...  Legendary engineer Darryl Boudreaux is a master with his hands, and his creative genius is unparalleled. Many a woman has desired Darryl's expert tutelage, but he is off the market—for anything serious. Experience has convinced him to focus his passion on his work. When architect Camryn Charles gets sight of her new partner, she is determined to keep things professional. This is easier said than done. Is it the heat of the smoldering French Quarter, or is it Darryl's quiet sexiness that is raising her temperature? Camryn would never sacrifice her integrity for a few wanton moments between the sheets. Yet Darryl's burning gaze suggests there could be something more between them—something that could dare them both to lay


I sometimes cuss when I’m in the gym working out.   Not out loud.   Not really.   Just a low dirty word under my breath every now and then when something is particularly challenging.   Or I’ll mouth it, silently, just the expression of it showing on my face.   I am very mindful of the words that come out of my mouth and I try not to use profanity ever.   But I wasn’t always this way.   There was a time I could cuss like a sailor.   Sonshine has a horrible potty mouth.   He blames me for it and puts forth no effort to do better.   I can just imagine the first words that will come out of my new grandbaby’s mouth. I’m more aware of when I swear now and only because my very favorite guy doesn’t cuss ever.   It kind of threw me when we first started dating to be with a man who has rarely, if ever, uttered a curse word.   It actually felt a little weird to cuss around a person who never cussed.   I’d get this look and then the question.   “Don’t you have another word in your voc

THE ONLY OPTION by Deatri King-Bey

Today, I'm thrilled to feature friend and fellow author Deatri King-Bey .  I don't often have guest bloggers but when I do, it's because I really want to share something special with you.  When Deatri was six years old, her mother was told that because of Deatri’s dyslexia, she’d probably never learn how to read. At that time it was recommended Deatri partake in a specialized reading curriculum. Unbeknownst to Deatri’s parents, this additional help their daughter would need was actually Deatri being taken out of reading class to sit in the hallway with a tape recorder for a teacher. When Deatri entered the fourth grade at a different school, her parents were terrified to learn their daughter couldn’t read. For years she’d been reciting the bedtime stories to her mother from memory instead of actually reading the written words from the pages. But times soon changed. In 1999, Deatri was a technical writer at a telecommunications company with dreams of joining the publish


Every book I've ever written has had a theme song or songs; music that played over and over again in the background as I wrote.  There was something about each that moved me, connecting me to the story or the characters.  Some of the songs that have inspired the characters in my Boudreaux Family series have surprised me.  Others not so much.  50 Cent consumed me a few months ago as I plotted through The Sweetest Thing , my March 2014 book in the Just Desserts series that I'm writing for Kensington Books.  His music was hard and raw and one song, Candy Shop , took me and my writing places I hadn't imagined going.  When I finished, I was really happy with the outcome.  Since then I haven't had any need for 'Fiddy'. Maitlyn Boudreaux's story, Hearts Afire , is next in the Boudreaux Family lineup, currently scheduled to come out in February 2014.  Maitlyn required something else and it took me a minute to figure out what that was.  And then a chance click


Headed to be with family for fellowship and barbecue!  I wish everyone a blessed day and may your 4th of July be filled with fun, food, fireworks, fond memories and much love!