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Showing posts from December, 2011


This list of "wisdoms" came to me in a chain-mail from a friend in 2009.  They moved me so much that I revisit them on a regular basis and with each New Year they've become my mantra as Father Time bows out and Baby New Year rolls in. This past year was one hell of a year.  There isn't one moment I regret, not even those that were drama-filled and absolutely unnecessary.  2011 brought me immense joy, much love, and the lessons learned were life-invigorating.  Abundance came in ways I had only imagined and if 2012 manages to be one-third as prosperous and productive then I can't wait for it to get here! So, please, take these wisdoms in and savor them a moment. Hopefully they'll move you as well.  I wish you each a very happy and prosperous NEW YEAR! WISDOM FOR 2012 1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson. 3. Follow the three R’s: Respect for self, Respect for other


From our home to yours, have a very Merry Christmas!


So, it’s raining and the temperature has nose-dived some twenty degrees from last night’s low.   I’ve been nursing the last remnants of a migraine for a few days and now I feel a cold coming on.    My favorite guy made me a special hot toddy to nurse the cold away and I was headed to bed to feel better when the doorbell rings.   The doorbell rarely rings after eight pm unless it’s an element of crazy come to stir up some drama.   But low and behold it was our neighbors, and their holiday choir, come to practice their caroling at the bottom of the steps. I stood in the doorway, wrapped in a blanket, as they serenaded us with a rendition of Silver Bells and then Silent Night .   Then the rain got the best of them, running us all back inside.   I’m in bed now with my favorite cuddle toy and that hot toddy is beginning to cure everything that might have been ailing me. But it was a simple serenade that made it feel a lot like Christmas, and it's made me feel a whole lot


One of the single greatest blessings in my life is my relationship with my father.   As a little girl, he was my idol, the first man I loved and he set the standard for all the men who later came into my life.   As a little girl I thought that he could do no wrong, the sun and the moon rising and setting on everything that was my daddy.   I was his Baby Girl , the nickname that not even my younger sister could usurp and it represents an understanding that he and I have had between us that continues to cement the bond we share today.   My father and I have had our moments, and there were many that were not good.   I wasn’t always the good daughter he would have liked me to be, but even at my worse, I remained his Baby Girl .   From the moment I drew breath he has been the parent who has most controlled and manipulated my life.   When I rebelled, he was the first to let go, insuring that I learned some very difficult lessons the hard way.   And when I fell, and fell hard, my fathe