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Showing posts from August, 2012


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Youth today are in a league all their own.  They are a new breed of kid and with this generation coming up, I can only ask “why?” Joshua graduated over a year ago.  Since then he’s made no effort to do anything of any value.  No effort has been made to go to school or work.  I asked Joshua if he had plans for his future.  He answered with a disinterested shrug of his shoulder.  I asked if he’d considered college.  He told me that he really had no interest in anything at all.  Joshua said he’s all about “making that paper”.  Since Joshua doesn’t have a job, and doesn’t seem much interested in anything at all, legal or otherwise, I don’t know how he plans to make that "paper" happen.  His parents support his bad habits, affording him the only "paper" he ever seems to get and he can’t rationalize why he should make any effort to change. Tasia was raised by an adoring grandmother.  She was made to go to church every Sunday and be respectful of her elders.  S


Age, and wisdom, have made me exceptionally cautious about the people I invite into my personal space.  Not everyone is allowed access to my private life and those invited are usually vetted for some time before I feel comfortable enough to welcome them in.   Recently I became acquainted with a group of women who I’ve been able to spend much time with.  I was open to the possibilities of new friendships and bonds being formed.  But women being women, it soon became clear that things were not as picture perfect as they first appeared.  And women being women it took no time at all for the claws to come out, for jealousy to flare, and the possibility of any enduring friendships to come to a swift and screeching halt. After witnessing some seriously bad behavior I, and another in that little clique, were accused of our own bad behavior.  The accuser cast a shadow on our integrity while smiling in our faces the entire time.  Our behavior was deemed conduct unbecoming to anyo


I made my boys cook.  I saw it as a major necessity to keep them from starving.  In my mind it also kept them from becoming dependent on a woman their mama didn’t like.  Of course, back in the day I was convinced there wasn’t a young woman in the world good enough for my boys.  But my older boys all married incredible women, proving me wrong.  And I hope those women were impressed by the culinary skills my babies brought to the table. Baby boy took his culinary skills to a whole other level.  I’ve written before about his talents in the kitchen, having nicknamed the kid Chef-Boy-You–Are-Good by the time he was twelve years old.  However, I’m a little taken aback by some of his recent culinary endeavors.   Son-shine is stationed in Texas.  They have snakes in Texas.  Nasty, poisonous snakes.  I’m not understanding the attraction, but always one to push the boundaries the kid figured why not.  Why not turn a rattle snake catch into a savory, butter-milk soaked delicacy serve


His Netflix choice has turned me into a blubbering baby.  This is a must-see film for everyone!  Just don't forget a very big box of tissue.


There’s something about the calm before a storm that feels particularly satisfying.  It’s knowing that no matter what devastation might be coming in your direction, that you are more resilient.  Beating you down might be a harder task than imagined. I’m in the midst of calm while a storm brews with a vengeance around me.  But being beaten is not an option, not without one hell of a good fight.  I think it’s my age.  I have no tolerance for nonsense, being less inclined to bite back my words.  I'm unwilling to tolerate bad behavior, not even my own.  So, as I weather the cold fronts about to collide I know when all is said and done I will still be standing, everything balanced as it should be.  I’m grateful to be so blessed.