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Showing posts from June, 2011


Maybe you don't recognize what you got between ya thighs So I'm gonna set you right And I'm starting here tonite Shine like the moon And strong like the sea More expensive than money, more valuable than anything Juicy mango summer peach Make a lame man walk and a full man hungry... (HOT DAMN! ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS!!!) Jill Scott - Rolling Hills (On 2011 Bet Awards) (Live) (2011)


The next Stallion book, Matthew Stallion’s story, has undergone a name change. When Matthew’s story drops in May 2012, the title of the book will be SEDUCED BY A STALLION. The working title for Matthew’s story was Stallion Heat but the powers in charge decided that it did not convey the full essence of the story and a new name was born. After some deep reflection I had to agree because Matthew Stallion is in a whole class of his own. Each of the Stallion men bring their own unique skill sets to the table but Matthew’s undeniable charms, self-confident swagger, rugged good looks, and sex appeal have him leading the pack! Coming in August 2012 is another Stallion story, one with a twist that I’m sure will have Stallion fans reeling. Even I didn’t see this coming!! SEDUCED BY A STALLION brings some serious heat, but FOREVER A STALLION escalates that even higher. So, no matter what their names, the Stallion stories on tap will shoot romance sky high. The sex is hot, on point, hot , a


I admit to being a tad behind the times when it comes to most things technical. I’ve blown up one computer too many and each time I’ve always been a day late on backing up my files. Okay, so maybe a few days, maybe even weeks (translated into months) late. I’ve been blessed though that I’ve only lost data one, maybe two times, which should have taught me a lesson. But as my dear mother has often said, a hard head makes for a soft ass, but I digress. My computer came back this week, in one piece, functioning beautifully, with all of my files intact. I had to say a prayer of thanks for that because not having backed up the way I know I should I was a tad scared. Knowing how I am, my favorite guy has put me on a backup schedule which includes scanning documents, flash drives, and emailing file updates to myself so they’re stored on an outside server. It all works nicely when done correctly, but again, hard head. I am getting better though despite what others may think. I only have


Y’all just knew I couldn’t give up my reality show addiction! Withdrawal didn’t even get a chance to set in good before I was back at it. So let me tell you what has my attention! • The Glee Project – Absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!!! Talented young people who can sang! It just gives me goose bumps! • Single Ladies – A VH1 hit from start to finish! Girlfriends meets Sex In The City, with a colorful cast and some of the best lines I wish I’d written myself. LOVE it! • The Voice – Making bald absolutely beautiful, I want to see Frenchie Davis and Beverly McClellan go right to the top of the charts! Not only can these two women sing but they both have thebest spirits!!!! I also have a thing for that cutie, Javier Colon. The judges, Blake Shelton, Adam Levine, Christine Aguilera and Cee Lo Green are great too. Plus I adore Cee Lo with his candy-looking self, coming off like a milk dud one week and a red M&M the next! Just too sweet! • Real Housewives of New Jersey – I know…(sha


I am more comfortable behind a camera than in front of one. I have never liked having my picture taken. I am not photogenic and it is probably every one out of a hundred shots that I actually like and am comfortable with sharing. Many a photo shoot has been a complete and total waste of time and money. I get a fair number of requests for pictures. Many of those requests are legit. A few have been questionable. Most are completely ignored and the few that are fulfilled usually get an image taken some time ago. Social networking is making it much harder for me to hide. I cringe at family events when someone pulls out a camera to snap a shot, fearful that an image likened to Quasimodo will tag me on Facebook or Twitter before the party is even over. My last driver’s license photo is one of my favorites. I dread the thought of renewing my license and losing that image for one that will probably have my face twisted. I like my passport photo as well. That one’s good for a few years and I’m


Kryptonite strikes again! I blew up another computer. Some of you may remember that this is my fifth computer. My fifth computer in the last year! I have completely decimated multiple hard drives, been attacked and infected by some viruses from hell and this time it seems that I cracked the screen on my brand new laptop. Darn thing looked like an abstract painting gone bad. With another computer down family and friends have taken to hiding theirs the minute I step into the room. If I even attempt to mutter the words, “may I borrow…”, folks seem to disappear like vapor. My favorite was the kid who said, “don’t even think about asking” as he held up his fingers in the sign of a cross. (BIG SIGH!) So, with my computer down I’m back to pen and paper and it’s not working for me the way I need it to. (BIG SIGH AGAIN!) I’m thinking I need an intervention of some kind, maybe a hard drive exorcism, some voodoo incantation, or a talisman to ward off the demon that continues to strike every time