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Showing posts from March, 2010


So, I am officially counting down the release of my next book, LOST IN A STALLION’S ARMS . I am so excited that I’m about to bust! Baby brother, Luke Stallion’s story, will officially be released in five weeks, and oh, is it wicked! Luke Stallion makes me hot! The boy is twenty-something young and as perfect a male specimen as one can imagine. The heroine, Joanne Lake, is full-figured with great attitude. I call her my poster child for women who aren’t a size sixteen small but love every dip and curve of their voluptuous bodies. Together the couple makes for some serious heat and steam. I still break out into a sweat when I think about the seductive encounters I get them tangled up in. In case you have some doubts, here’s a little taste of what’s to come. If you haven’t pre-ordered your copy, please do. I promise you won’t be disappointed! Excerpted from LOST IN A STALLION’S ARMS by Deborah Fletcher Mello Joanne paused for a brief moment. “What’s your definition of foreplay?” The man’


...there is jubilation! Charter school in tough neighborhood gets all its seniors into college - By Duaa Eldeib , Tribune staff reporter 1:14 PM CST, March 5, 2010 The entire senior class at Chicago's only public all-male, all-African-American high school has been accepted to four-year colleges. At last count, the 107 seniors had earned spots at 72 schools across the nation. Mayor Richard Daley and Chicago Public Schools chief Ron Huberman surprised students at an all-school assembly at Urban Prep Academy for Young Men in Englewood this morning to congratulate them. It's the first graduating class at Urban Prep since it opened its doors in 2006. Huberman applauded the seniors for making CPS shine. "All of you in the senior class have shown that what matters is perseverance, what matters is focus, what matters is having a dream and following that dream," Huberman said. The school enforces a strict uniform of black blazers, khaki pants and red ties -


Exactly twenty-one years ago today I was staring out of my front window as falling snow blanketed a moon lit street. I find myself doing the exact same thing tonight, an unexpected snow storm coating the landscape with white, fluffy stuff. Twenty-one years ago I was also in labor with my baby boy, angry as spit because my baby daddy didn’t think there was any reason for us to rush to the hospital. After much haranguing and threatening to call 911 for an ambulance, the man finally crawled out of bed. It took another hour for him to shower and shave before we finally left the house, traversing some very hazardous roads to get to the hospital. To my chagrin, when we finally arrived, I was already dilated nine centimeters and told I was too far along for any pain medication. The names I called the ex-husband were drowned out by the sound of a late night game show playing on the hospital room television set and the noise of the doctor and the ex playing along, both annoyed to be awake at th