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Showing posts from January, 2009


I'm tired. Sleep is once again eluding me and my schedule has been way out of control. So right now I feel like my body has been hit with a Mack truck and my mind is complete and total mush. I'm irritable, my mood is swinging from one extreme to the other, and despite it all I have this really great guy who keeps reminding me that I am much loved. Tired or not, I sure enough can't say that I don't have it good!! My weekend has been completely dedicated to one thing and one thing only. The Stallions! As you may well know, the last two brothers each have a story coming in 2010. What you might not know is there is another Stallion "relative" who's on the agenda to find themselves some love!! That story line will be introduced in my May 2010 book Stallion Heat , which is brother Matthew's story. I can't spoil it but trust me you're going to be quite surprised. The manuscript has to be finished by February 1st so every waking moment has me giving th


Just hours ago the 44th President of the United States of America was sworn into office. Particularly poignant was that this American president happens to be a black male, the first black male to ever hold the office. For women, like myself, who absolutely love and adore black men, who know the beauty of their spirits and the sheer magnitude of their potential, this moment was particularly endearing. To see a beloved black man achieve such a monumental success validates every black parent and grandparent who nurtured us, encouraged us, inspired us, and made us believe that we could all do and be better if we were willing to work hard for our goals. May God's blessings be with President Barack Obama and his family and may God bless us all.


So the New Year came in with a bang and just like clockwork the drama got thick quick! Pamela cried, convinced that no one believes her, swearing that she is neither delusional nor crazy. I listened to her story and though, on the surface, it seemed a bit far-fetched, I recognized that her fear was very, very real. Pamela has been amazingly happy. A great career, wonderful new guy, and an amazing teenage daughter keep her very fulfilled. Last year she left behind a dysfunctional and abusive relationship to find herself some peace of mind. Her ex-hubby was prone to extremes. Extreme mood swings, extreme tantrums, extreme behavior. So much so that he scared her, leaving her fearful for her own safety more times than she cared to count. When she left she spent months peering over her shoulder waiting for him to pounce and attack. Then there was nothing. No calls, no conversation, nada. The quiet was unnerving at first but then Pamela fathomed the brother had moved on to other people and o