Tuesday, May 22, 2007


The black romance community is mourning the loss of one of our own. Renowned author, Katherine D. Jones passed away unexpectedly on June 17, 2007. I never had the opportunity to meet Katherine in person although we exchanged an email or two over the years.

She was very much a kindred spirit, sharing the same journey that I was. She was a wife and a mother and an author trying to keep things balanced as she held tight to her sanity and her humor. She was a woman of amazing grace and those who knew her personally have shared wonderful anecdotes on the kindness and the generosity of her spirit and her heart. Katherine was charmed and loved and the wealth of her extraordinary talent abounds in the romance novels she gifted to us all.

Katherine's husband posted a banner on her website that reads: Live Your Life...Follow Your Dreams...There Are NO Guarantees. We would honor her memory to do just that.

Katherine is survived by a loving husband and two adoring sons. She will be missed dearly by a host of sisterfriends, authors, and fans.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...


I will keep her family and friends in my thoughts and prayers.



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