Tuesday, September 13, 2011


There are only seven (7) days left for the ABOUT.ME competition to get my face on a billboard in Times Square. And since friends, family, and fans can vote once per day, that’s seven votes each to support me and my writing. SEVEN!! Seven multiplied by however many more persons I can convince to support me may actually get me to my goal. I can only hope and pray.

So once again I’m extending my reach even further to ask for support. (Thank you Troy from AALBC.COM!)

I also realize that many of you may never have read anything I’ve written. All you know is some crazy woman has been bugging you insistently for the last two weeks. To remedy that I hope you’ll enjoy the first chapter of my latest release, Rested Waters, HERE. My writing is important to me. It speaks to who and I am and everything I strive to achieve. I’m a storyteller and if I can say so myself, I’m pretty damn good at it. So, if you enjoy the first chapter I hope you’ll consider buying it from HERE, HERE, or wherever books are sold.

So, once again, please know how much I greatly appreciate everyone’s support. Thank you so much for voting! And thank you for passing the word to your family and friends asking them to VOTE as well.


1 comment:

Dr. Laurence Brown said...

Let me know once the about us page is completed. Thank you


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